Personal Development: The Key To Discovering The Job You Love Most
Finding A Job That Resonates
Does personal development scare you? If you’re not satisfied with your current job, you may need to do a little digging. Self-reflection will help you figure out where you’d rather be spending your work week. Finding a job that truly resonates with your personal passions and values isn’t just about a great salary. In fact, in many ways, it’s about everything but that. Get to know yourself, become comfortable with who you are and what you really offer to the world. Self-assurance is how you align with a career you’ll love.
Personal development doesn’t feel like work. PD is about engaging with you and enhancing your fulfillment. I’ve met many people who are hesitant to dive deeper than their “career life” to understand what they really want. It’s important to know what you’d like to do during your working hours each day. Personal development plays a crucial role in identifying a career that aligns with your authentic self. If done right, getting to know yourself better should help you thrive personally and professionally. It’s a journey to find work that you love, guided by insights and self-reflection (a favourite topic over at my retreat-in-progress, Chateau Lachute).
“Relax, Reflect, Reform.” ― Chateau Lachute
The Importance Of Doing What You Love
Motivational Speaker Wayne Dyer once said that “doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life”. I believe this is true. Our collective need for job satisfaction underscores the profound impact of doing what you love. It matters for your overall happiness and well-being. With the average person spending at least half of their waking hours at work, it’s time to choose a path that doesn’t drain your spirit. A fulfilling career can prevent negative consequences like constant fatigue, irritability, and a sense of stagnation. Feeling stuck is one of the worst things we can feel, it zaps our energy and motivation.
When you’re engaged in work that resonates with your interests, you’re likely to give your best effort. You’ll pursue opportunities for growth. At the end of your day, you’ll return home with positive energy to share with friends and loved ones. A job you love fuels enthusiasm and builds resilience. Fulfillment makes it easier to overcome challenges and remain motivated when it’s time to push through adversities. We might not love personal development work, but if happiness on the job is the most common side-effect – it’s worth it.
Three Essential Personal Development Questions
How do you identify your ideal role and discover the job that you’ll love the most? To find a job that aligns with your passions, start by asking yourself these personal development questions:
What Inspires You to Start Your Day?
Consider activities that make you eager to get out of bed. A career that you love will keep you inspired and energized. You’ll be “fired up” thinking about tasks and possibilities. Reflect on past experiences where you have felt energized. Consider how these reflections can help guide your job search.
What Would You Pursue If Money Weren’t a Constraint?
Financial considerations are a factor but they shouldn’t be the only thing driving career choices. Identify your passions, reintroduce the financial element and explore how to blend your dreams with economic viability. For example, if you’ve always wanted to be a teacher but were deterred by salary – consider supplemental income. Opportunities like teaching workshops, writing educational materials, or offering private coaching.
What Makes You Curious?
Personal development means reflecting deeply on what piques your interest and makes you eager to learn. Use your curiosity to learn everything you can about yourself that will help you meet your goals. If your next role isn’t “the role” put on an intern’s hat and think of what you can learn. You don’t have to work for free, but you should be paying attention. Soak in all of the things that might not relate to the role you’ve been hired for, but do relate to your future plans.
Personal Development Turns “Passion” Into “Daily Life
The world is full of job opportunities, many of them will not cater to your unique interests and talents. By prioritizing personal development and aligning your career with your passions you will better your chances of finding a job you love. You’ll also position yourself for professional success and with that, financial success. Routinely reflect on what has consistently brought you joy in life. Be prepared to change your mind – it happens and it’s ok! You can always explore the steps needed to transform any new interests that you may develop in the future into your next rewarding career too.
I want to remind you that you don’t need to create barriers where they don’t exist. If this is something you really struggle with – sabotaging yourself from pursuing a passion-driven career – the PQ Program (new to Catherine Thorburn Coaching) may be a great fit for you.
The PQ Program uses something called “Positive Intelligence” to help you conquer fear, insecurity, self-doubt, self-judgement, limiting beliefs – and so much more. Acknowledging areas where you feel insecure and working on building up the voice of reason inside of you will help you learn to make informed decisions based on your skills and personal goals – the facts. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about working with me as your PQ Coach.
In the meantime, consider this personal development trick. Write down your fears and systematically find solutions or ways to begin mitigating them.
Personal Development Worked For Me
Is there a better endorsement than a personal anecdote? In my most recent newsletter, I talked about my own journey with the PQ Program. I enrolled before I decided to offer it to my clients and it has impacted me. Just because I’m a coach, it doesn’t mean that I don’t practice regular personal development. In fact it’s the opposite. I find that as a coach, it’s much easier to walk the walk and talk the talk if you’re working on self-improvement yourself. We can all benefit from challenging ourselves.
I am fortunate enough to work in a field that I love. Personal development took me in the direction of helping others many years ago. As a career coach I get to help people find jobs that they truly love! I get to watch people blossom into the lives that they’ve always wanted.
If this sounds like something you’d like to explore, we can work together to find the career you’ll love – the one that will enhance every aspect of your life.
If you’re ready to give Positive Intelligence a try, let’s chat!
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