How to Rejuvenate the Next Phase of Your Career

Your resume is what gets noticed first.  How is yours looking?

Is your resume in need of a face-lift?  Or maybe it’s been so long since you’ve touched your resume that it needs reconstructive surgery?  Perhaps it would be best if we just started from scratch.  Maybe you don’t even have one and haven’t a clue where to begin.  There are tons of resources out there in helping prepare a resume but which ones really get you the job?  How do you know what will work best for you and showcase your experiences the best?

My background is in Human Resources.  Over the 20+ years of working as an HR practitioner and now more recently as a Career Coach, I have seen hundreds of resumes and I can honestly tell you that many of them suck!  In fact, it doesn’t require a lot of effort to fall within the top 10% of best looking resumes.  All you need are a few tips.

Let me help you by first giving you a run down on what is critical to have in a resume nowadays – i.e. key words. Key words are words that recruitment software systems look for and use to identify your resume out of the hundreds and thousands it receives.  From there, we’ll work together on pulling together a resume that will begin to start getting noticed.

First, we’ll get clear on what it is you want to do.  From there, we’ll make sure your resume reflects the skills required to be considered for such roles.  Together we will create a resume that demonstrates the value you can bring to any organization.

This is an easy step-by-step program that focuses on getting your resume done quickly so that you are ready to begin receiving invites to interviews.  You will leave with a professional looking resume and the confidence and tools you need to go along with it.


  • Tailored one-on-one coaching to address your individual needs and concerns.
  • A complete resume review and critique.
  • A review of your online branding presence.
  • Can all be done by email and by phone.


Sign Up Today and Get Back to Work Fast!  Sign Me Up!

All of this for only $300!  Make your resume  make it to the top of the pile and stand out.

(Have this Sign me up button go to my email/phone number contact page AND PayPal showing:

1st installment of 2 – $150.00.  Pay by PayPal.)