Catherine Thorburn Executive and Career Coaching
Catherine Thorburn Career Coach and Life Coach

Let’s Chat &

Land Your Dream Job

Hi, I’m Catherine. Whether you’ve lost your job, or you’re fed up and ready for a change, I can help. You deserve a career that’s highly rewarding both financially and personally.

Call me at +1 416-473-3780 or leave your contact information, and let’s set up a free mini coaching session.

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    “Catherine is great at providing a new perspective on a situation and helping you focus on your personal and professional goals.”
    ~ Linda Andross, President, APEX PR

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    “Catherine is direct, supportive and grounded. She has a keen ability to listen for my unspoken thoughts and tease them out so they can be addressed.”
    Eve, Sacramento, California

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    “After years of working in accounting, Catherine ‘pulled out of me’ something I never dreamed of doing and has actually since come naturally to me.”
    ~ M.G., Toronto

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    in a career

    Given the time you spend working and income you will earn, your career is the biggest financial asset you own. You owe it to yourself to maximize the rewards and satisfaction you achieve. Despite that, half of us are dissatisfied at work, and only half of us feel satisfied with our job security. Meanwhile, only 44% of mid-range earners are satisfied with their compensation, and one-in-three of us will be let go during our careers. So, don’t get get too down if you identify with these statistics — take charge and build the rewarding career you deserve. I’m here to help you do just that. Get in touch today.

    Call me at +1 416-473-3780 today to get started.

    Catherine’s Credentials

    Don’t put off investing in your career. Contact me now: