What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is offering coaching services for life issues. Think of it as a personal coach in your corner supporting you on whatever goal(s) you have set out for yourself. A life coach will help a person get “unstuck” so that they can move forwards and make the necessary changes in their lives to achieve the life they want!

2016-10-15T20:55:32-04:00By |0 Comments

What qualifies you to be a coach?

Years of practise in Human Resources coaching executives and employees and offering lots of career advice to friends, business colleagues and pretty much anyone who would listen to me! Plus, I have an absolute desire to help people achieve their life goals. Oh yah, and having read tons of self-help books!!

2013-08-19T00:08:39-04:00By |0 Comments

How much does your coaching cost?

Depending on what your needs are, I have both an hourly rate as well as several packaged rates, as outlined under my Coaching page under the "Life Coaching" section. My rates for business and corporations also vary depending on the specific needs and work that is required.

2013-08-19T00:09:20-04:00By |0 Comments
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